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Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga Part 1

Frieza transforms for the first time

Battle against Frieza in Dragon Ball Z

Dende answers Krillin’s question on the way, that Namek dragon balls need to be activated in Namek language, and also for the eternal dragon to grant the wish. The great elder Guru has not told them this before to keep the secret from Frieza. Krillin and Dende rush to Gohan’s place given Guru’s near-ending life.

The trio including Gohan takes away the dragon balls to some distance, to avoid waking up Vegeta from his sleep.  Suddenly they sense Frieza heading in their direction with great speed and will reach them soon.  Dende activates the Namek dragon balls using namekian language with the password being the eternal dragon’s name Porunga (god of dreams).

Porunga in Dragon Ball Z

Porunga Japanese Soundtrack

Porunga English Soundtrack

Frieza sees the sky turning dark and quickly flies towards his spaceship fortress. Both Krillin and Gohan are astonished to see Porunga being a lot larger and different looking than Shenron. Dende though also amazed to see Porunga for the first time, gets ready to ask for the wishes. Porunga mentions that he will grant three wishes which delights Gohan and Krillin.

Freeza’s 1st transformation Power Level:   1000000
Freeza’s 1st transformation Power Level (Real Life estimate): 10 Decillion Watts

Krillin instructs Dende to wish for all the dead people on Earth back to life, due to being killed by the Saiyans. But Porunga mentions that he can only return a single person’s life per wish. Piccolo and others through King Kai listen to Porunga’s wish-granting limit. Piccolo through King Kai asks Gohan to wish him alive, due to Kami’s and Earth’s dragon balls’ subsequent revival.

Piccolo also suggests bringing him to Namek using the second wish to avenge Namek people. Dende wishes for Piccolo’s revival. Vegeta awakens sensing Frieza near and also notices the sky is dark. Looking at Porunga Vegeta realizes that he had been tricked by Gohan and Krillin. Kami revives on Earth bringing the dragon balls back to life.

Piccolo in Namek
Piccolo arrives in Namek

The second wish as per Dende brings Piccolo on Namek but to a random location. Vegeta quickly arrives and threatens to kill the trio. Gohan tells Vegeta one more wish being left. Frieza could see Porunga and rushes faster (still flying). Vegeta demands to make him immortal young as the last wish. Sensing Frieza, Krillin asks Dende to fulfill Vegeta’s wish.

Vegeta Power Level:   Above 500000
Vegeta Power Level (Real Life estimate): Above 5 Decillion Watts

But suddenly Porunga gets dispersed and the dragon balls turn into ordinary stones. Dende sobbing, informs that Guru is dead. Vegeta gets mad at others for making a fool out of him. But they all realize that Frieza is already present. Frieza is pissed off to not be able to become immortal. He displays his rage by shooting powerful blasts against them.

Piccolo teleports to Namek and senses Frieza’s overwhelming power. He flies to some distance when he notices a dying Nail who looks similar to him. Piccolo converses about the situation. Nail tells him that if he had come in his complete form, then defeating Frieza was not impossible. Piccolo can’t go back to Earth neither he will join with Kami.

Vegeta is able to keep up with Frieza's initial power
Vegeta vs Frieza

Vegeta vs Frieza Japanese Soundtrack

Nail offers himself to fuse with Piccolo to gain enough strength to kill Frieza. Piccolo is not so sure about the outcome, but Nail convinces him that Piccolo’s personality will not change. After an intense light show fusion, Piccolo becomes ecstatic by the power he is emitting and heads towards Gohan’s location.

Gohan Power Level:   Above 200000 – Around 500000(Zenkai Boost)
Gohan Power Level (Real Life estimate): Above 2 Decillion Watts – Around 5 Decillion Watts

Vegeta says to Frieza that he has reached the threshold of becoming a Super Saiyan. Frieza simply knocks off the topic and attacks Vegeta, who grapples Frieza’s hands. Both release their energy which creates a huge fissure on the ground. Frieza’s scouter gets destroyed and he understands that Vegeta has grown strong enough, to keep pace with Frieza’s 530000 power level.

Gohan feels that they all have gotten stronger and could counter Frieza together, but Krillin is suspicious about Frieza being so calm. Vegeta as per intel from Zarbon asks Frieza to transform and fight this out. Frieza informs Vegeta that, unlike other species who camouflage or save their power, Frieza simply doesn’t transform due to not being able to fully control his unreserved power.

Frieza transforms for the first time
Frieza first Transformation

Frieza first Transformation Japanese Soundtrack

Frieza first Transformation English Soundtrack

Frieza destroys his upper armor and grows taller similar to namekian warriors. He also explains that this form was not seen by Vegeta’s father as he was easily killed with a punch from Frieza. Due to the Saiyan rebellion, Frieza destroyed planet Vegeta.

Krillin Power Level:   Above 100000
Krillin Power Level (Real Life estimate): Above 1 Decillion Watts

He mentions that in this form, Frieza’s power is 1 million. Just releasing his energy, it can be seen from outer space and all four of them are blown away. Krillin gets injured due to a rubble hitting him. Vegeta is horrified to realize that Frieza can control ki and even can enlarge his tail. All of a sudden Frieza impales Krillin with one of his horns, before which Krillin pushed away Dende.

Gohan tries to save him but Frieza throws him off with a tail whip. After enough torturing Krillin when he does not respond, Frieza throws him into the sea. Gohan tries to go into the sea but is blocked by Frieza. In a rage, Gohan displays his hidden power and bombards Frieza with many lethal strikes.

Vegeta is speechless about Gohan’s potential. Dende sneaks into the sea and brings Krillin to shore. Frieza is a little bit bruised and angry. He attacks and pummels Gohan into a pulp. Vegeta fires a ki wave from behind but Frieza is unharmed. After a one-side thrashing Frieza cracks the skull of Gohan (unlucky with villians).

Piccolo as the main body merging with Nail.
Nail fuse with Piccolo

Nail fuse with Piccolo Japanese Soundtrack

Frieza mocks Vegeta for not trying to help Gohan. Goku is restless due to sensing the events outside. Krillin attacks with a Destructo disk which Frieza narrowly escapes but his tail tip gets cut in the process. Krillin fires more Destructo disks but Frieza evades them nonetheless. Frieza is surprised by Krillin’s recovery, which was done by Dende.

He does a hide-and-seek chase on Krillin. Krillin using solar flare escapes Frieza’s pursuit. Dende heals Gohan whose power increases further. Vegeta finds Dende’s ability useful for their battle against Frieza. All three attack Frieza but with little use. But just then Piccolo arrives before Gohan, who wanted to charge alone against Frieza.

Gohan is happy to see Piccolo alive and is here to help fight Frieza. Vegeta is skeptical about Piccolo’s power and mocks Piccollo being trash to be resurrected.

Dragon Ball Z Episode 75 – 80

Dragon Ball Z Manga Volume 9 Chapter 98 – Chapter 105

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 292 – Chapter 300

Note:  1 Decillion Watts = 1 x 1033 Joules worth of energy

          1.2 x 1034 Joules of energy = Energy that Sun release in a year

(All real-life power level estimations are analyzed based on real-life standard human capacity, or the level of destruction each person has caused in the Dragon Ball Z series, comparing them with scientifically achieved data.)

Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga Part 1 End

Part 2

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