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Dragon Ball Z Ginyu Force Saga Part 2

Frieza kills the three Namek warriors

Goku arrives Namek in Dragon Ball Z

Everybody’s eyes are on Goku’s ship. Goku finally ejects the spaceship and senses one powerful ki and one strong ki, from Frieza and Ginyu respectively. On sensing the diminishing life sign of Gohan, Goku blinks to Gohan’s place at top speed. Goku feeds Gohan a senzu bean and also gives another one to Krillin.

Similar to Guru Goku touches Krillin’s head and gets to know all the events, that happened on Namek. When Krillin asks about it, Goku informs him that he gained it due to his training. Jeice, Burter, and Recoome get shocked to see Goku easily heal them. Goku throws the last senzu bean towards Vegeta to be healed, while Krillin gets worried.

Goku shatters Recoome from inside
Goku elbows Recoome

Goku elbows Recoome Japanese Soundtrack

Recoome being nasty tried to eat the senzu bean but only made a fool out of himself, when more of his teethes fell. Vegeta notes Goku’s help and gets quickly healed. Goku plans to fight all the three mutants. On inquiring about Goku’s power level Jeice and Burter scouts his power level to be 5000, as told to Recoome.

Recoome confronts Goku but can’t even track Goku’s speed. Goku reaches and warns both Jeice and Burter to retreat from the battlefield. Seeing Goku approaching him Recoome generates a super attack (yeah, so much for the posing). Goku without waiting completely shatters Recoome’s body from inside with an elbow strike.

Burter Power Level:   Below 50000
Burter Power Level (Real Life estimate): Below 500 Nonillion Watts

However, Vegeta’s keen sense saw through Goku’s attack. This power is not something a Saiyan can achieve. Vegeta suspects Goku to be the legendary Saiyan existence born every 1000 years, a super Saiyan. Even after Goku’s warning Jeice and Burter assume that Recoome was careless in not being on guard against Goku.

But Vegeta is spot on to realize that Goku swiftly increases and decreases his power. This is the reason that the Scouters are unable to give accurate data. Jeice and Burter use various moves and tricks and do a tag-team combination assault against Goku, but Goku is just giving them false hope. Goku effortlessly destroyed their combination move.

Goku fighting both Jeice and Burter
Jeice and Burter Vs Goku

Jeice and Burter Vs Goku Japanese Soundtrack

Jeice and Burter Vs Goku English Soundtrack

Due to the confusion from unable to land a hit on Goku, both Burter and Jeice mistakenly fought among each other for a second or two. Jeice then tries to distract Goku by talking rubbish but gets a sucker punch on his face from Goku, making him cry and bleed from the nose. Burter who wanted to ambush Goku flies in the opposite direction.

Captain Ginyu either out of boredom or habit forces Frieza’s mooks to learn the Ginyu Force formation pose. But honestly speaking, the minions are serious victims of injustice, as they are thrown high away with the slightest mistakes as per Ginyu. Jeice using a technique called crusher ball to make Goku escape, and then be attacked by Burter using his speed.

Jeice Power Level:   Below 50000
Jeice Power Level (Real Life estimate): Below 500 Nonillion Watts

But Goku deflects the attack and appears behind Burter beating him into a pulp. Jeice noticing danger escapes the place. Vegeta asks Goku to kill Recoome and Burter, though Goku tells him that they are unable to fight back. Suddenly Vegeta quickly kills both of them, mentioning his disgust (the reason for Vegeta being alive on Earth) towards Goku’s merciful approach.

Jeice reaches Ginyu and informs him about their status. Because of not using his scouter due to the so-called ‘training exercise’, Ginyu didn’t detect the battle. In spite of doing the Ginyu force formation pose, only two members’ incomplete pose makes Ginyu activate his revenge mode. Thinking about the severity of the situation, Ginyu hides the dragon balls within the soil and leaves for Vegeta’s place.

Captain Ginyu's premonition of super saiyan from Goku in Dragon Ball Z
Prelude to Super Saiyan

Prelude to Super Saiyan Japanese Soundtrack

Vegeta thinks that Frieza should already have gained eternal life, but Krillin explains that the sky-darkening phenomenon has not happened and no Shenron has appeared. Vegeta mocks Goku for thinking himself strong not knowing the terror of Frieza. They all detect a massive power heading in the distance.

Goku tells Krillin and Gohan to locate the dragon balls. Krillin explains about Guru whose death will cause the dragon balls to lose power similar to Earth. Goku confronts Ginyu, orders Krillin and Gohan to get the dragon balls, and asks Vegeta to take care of Jeice. Vegeta simply abandons the battle and left the place. Goku is in a hurry to rush before Vegeta gets the dragon balls.

Goku Power Level:   90000 -> 180000
Goku Power Level (Real Life estimate): 900 Nonillion Watts -> 1.8 Decillion Watts

Captain Ginyu rightfully determines that Goku’s power of 5000 is just a scouter rating and Goku can increase his strength whenever he needed. Moreover, Ginyu estimates Goku’s power to be around 60000. This utterly shocks Jeice as it is only possible for them mutants. Vegeta thinks that both Goku and Ginyu having similar strengths will fight to the death.

He plans to kill both Gohan and Krillin, wish for immortality, and then fight Frieza. Goku and Ginyu exchange a fierce battle trading blow for blows (kicks, punches, slide, backflip, etc.) testing each other’s skills. Ginyu shoots a ki blast comparable to an atom bomb. Goku easily dodges it, making Ginyu amazed to realize Goku’s great speed.

Frieza killing three Namek warriors
Frieza killing Namek Warriors

Frieza killing Namek Warriors Japanese Soundtrack

Jeice suddenly attacks from the side causing Goku to get distracted, and Ginyu locks his arms from the back. But Ginyu let him go and warns Jeice not to interfere or will be killed by Ginyu. He tells Goku to display his real strength to have a fair fight. Goku activates his Kaioken and increases his strength.

Assuming Goku’s power to be 85000, he suddenly becomes horrified to scout Goku’s power steadily climbing to 90000 and beyond. Jeice recalls Captain Ginyu’s power to be 120000. Bulma goes after the dragon balls as she detects that all of them are gathered together in one place. Sensing Frieza approaching, Guru awakens the hidden potential of Dende and sends him to help the earthlings.

Captain Ginyu Power Level:   120000
Captain Ginyu Power Level (Real Life estimate): 1.2 Decillion Watts

Dende passes Frieza but for Frieza he is just a speck of dust. Frieza reaches Guru’s place and asks Nail how to use the dragon balls. Nail naturally denies it and also informs him that once Guru is killed then all the dragon balls will be gone. Guru using telepathy asks Nail to stop Frieza and gain enough time for Dende to reach the earthlings.

Three more Namek warriors came and without listening to the advice of Nail attacked Frieza. Frieza simply blows them away with a breath of ki. After killing the trio, Frieza demands the password from Guru but he says that it will not be easy to deal with Nail. Nail flies away telling Frieza to follow him to a distant place to avoid killing Guru.

Three strong Namek warriors Power Level:   10000 Each
Three strong Namek warriors Power Level (Real Life estimate): 100 Nonillion Watts Each

At reaching 180000, Goku’s aura stops increasing. Captain Ginyu uses various attacks during Goku’s rising strength to stop him, but without any use. He believes that Goku is a super Saiyan. But due to Goku’s kind nature of sparing him, Ginyu speculates that Goku must have not still completed the transformation.      

Dragon Ball Z Episode 65 – 70

Dragon Ball Z Manga Volume 8 Chapter 85 – Chapter 91

Dragon Ball Manga Chapter 279 – Chapter 286        

Note:  1 Decillion Watts = 1 x 1033 Joules worth of energy

          2.7 x 1033 Joules of energy = Kinetic energy of Earth in its orbit

(All real-life power level estimations are analyzed based on real-life standard human capacity, or the level of destruction each person has caused in the Dragon Ball Z series, comparing them with scientifically achieved data.)

Dragon Ball Z Ginyu Force Saga Part 2 End

Part 3

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